
  • Whispering
  • El meu molí by Eva718 for the Estesia exhibit
  • eva718art logo
  • The Passage, by Eva718 and Omar Sosa

“Conceptual, contemporary style – QRt and spoken voice artist creating enhanced and unique experiences.”

FEATURED / Collaboration with photographer Valery Rizzo. (best if you listen to it while looking at the photograph) – Listen in browser

Some of my work involves the participation of other artists, such as Brooklyn-based photographer Valery Rizzo (Coney Island Stories, i.e. Pin Up Girls), singer Antonio Puerto (the Andalusian voice of the “Arctic Cry (Soleá)“) and Cuban-born composer and jazz pianist Omar Sosa (i.e. The Passage).

__ QRt (QR/Art) 

In 2016, I began integrating voice, sounds and music in visual art, design, print, objects and spaces, through embedded QR codes, to create deeper, more emotional, sensorial and authentic connections. Learn more

__tilakka (the Experience Code)

I developed the tilakka experience code concept in 2016 and began sharing its value and benefits in 2019. A tilakka is a QR with a 45º spin that signals, and opens up to, a more engaging way for bonding and connecting with others, spreading and sharing stories, while also contributing to retaining people’s attention (vs. re-directing to their phones ;-). Learn more.

__ “718”  (Brooklyn area code)

Born in Barcelona, I was always quite restless, antsy and lusting for new experiences, both in life and in the creative and performing arts. I first moved to London and later hopped to New York, where I spent my late 80s and 90s. While in Brooklyn, I registered music and lyrics using 718 as my artistic name, which at the time was Brooklyn’s area code. 718 eventually evolved to Eva718.

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